British English accent classes. English pronunciation teacher. British phonetics intensive.

Clases de acento inglés británico. Profesor de pronunciación inglesa. Intensivo de fonética británica.

Curso de hablar en público, presentaciones, presentar por zoom, teams, Skype, Google hangout.

British English accent classes. English pronunciation teacher. British phonetics intensive.

Public speaking course, presentations, present by zoom, teams, Skype, Google hangout.

Cours d'accent anglais britannique. Professeur de prononciation anglaise. Intense phonétique britannique.

Cours de prise de parole en public, présentations, présentation par zoom, équipes, Skype, Google hangout.

Corsi di accento inglese britannico. Insegnante di pronuncia inglese. Fonetica britannica intensiva.

Corso di public speaking, presentazioni, present by zoom, teams, Skype, Google Hangout.

Britisch-Englisch-Akzentklassen. Englisch Aussprache Lehrer. Britische Phonetik intensiv.

Vortragskurs, Präsentationen, Präsentation per Zoom, Teams, Skype, Google Hangout.

Aulas de sotaque do inglês britânico. Professor de pronúncia de inglês. Fonética britânica intensiva.

Curso de oratória, apresentações, apresentação por zoom, equipes, Skype, Google hangout.

Brits-Engelse accentlessen. Engelse uitspraakleraar. Britse fonetiek intensief.

Cursus spreken in het openbaar, presentaties, present by zoom, teams, Skype, Google hangout.

Уроки британского английского акцента. Учитель английского произношения. Британский фонетический интенсив.

Курс публичных выступлений, презентаций, презентаций с увеличением, команд, Skype, тусовка Google.

英式英语口音课。 语发音老师。 英国语音密集。


Specialist professional British English accent, pronunciation and presentations training courses. Private one on one and small group classes in Madrid centre for companies and executives. Also Legal English for lawyers. 605610767


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